First National Directory of “Rightist” Groups, Publications and Some Individuals in the United States (and Some Foreign Countries) [with] Supplement to Fourth Edition...
Sausalito, CA: Noontide Pres, ©1962. Fourth edition. An indispensable directory & supplement of “Rightist” groups operating in the U.S. (and elsewhere) during the early 1960s. Unlike similar guides published by left wing watchdog groups, this directory was compiled by right wing elements, including Willis Carto, to try and unify the disparate organizations and individuals of the right, which is somewhat ironic given Carto’s chronically divisive nature. A Key to Letter and Other Symbol Designations precedes the listings, and includes States’ rights, Anti-communist, Anti-fluoridation, Anti-internationalist, Libertarian, Right to work, Religious, and other groups. Also included is a short list of international Rightist and black nationalist groups. It was updated and revised for years. The supplement includes an impressive 1200 listings not found in the fourth edition of the directory.
Both pamphlets in stapled wrappers (8 ½” x 5 ½”; 8 ¼” x 5 ½”, respectively), [2], 36 p.; [2], 22 p. Both pamphlets near fine. Item #10831
Price: $95.00